WELCOME! Mosey on in and sit 'urself right down to read "Mr. Legendary Leather's" updated blog on what he's been a creatin' in the bovine hide most recently . . . specifically fer that discriminatin' cowboy enthusiast in yur life.


Monday, January 16, 2017


Just to show you how diverse the leather making world can be, The Missus
has decided to share the latest request from WesternSpice for her daddy. 

I'm sure there are those in the cosplay world who would be envious of WesternSpice
if they only knew she had access to Mr. Legendary Leather's bovine crafting 
talents purely through her blood-line as his daughter. As you know, WesternSpice
doesn't limit herself to the cowboy realm - she also has a passion for the 1940's
(whether it be WW2 or civilian), Marvel Comics, Victorian era, blood-thirsty
pirates, and now the world of DC Comics. Yes, WesternSpice channeled
"Catwoman" for her most recent visit to Long Beach Comic Con.

. . . "holy ancient costumes, Batman!" We don't mean Julie Newmar!

In preparation for her more modern version, WesternSpice found it relatively
easy to find the necessary items to complete her costume, However, she didn't
 ponder long on the puzzling question of what to do for Catwoman's head gear.
And as you might have guessed, she turned to her daddy.

Once again, WesternSpice had a vision that she needed to convey to Mr.
Legendary Leather, and Mr. Legendary Leather had to interpret a vision into
a tangible hand-crafted leather piece. But how to get those Catwoman ears
and put a modern 21st century spin on them?


Fortunately it only took a couple of prototypes before the end result was achieved.

Not exactly what the "old school" parents were picturing walking around in Gotham 
City, however it was exactly what WesternSpice had envisioned.

And as always, a fun time was had by all at the "Con".

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Happy New Year to y'all!
2016 seemed to slip by so fast. We're hopin' that 2017 might slow down a bit.
It's been awhile since The Missus has posted the happenin's of Mr. Legendary
Leather, but truth be told, I didn't realize that time was passing so quickly.

Mr. Legendary Leather has continued to create several more of his unique leather
treasures - mostly for repeat loyal customers, but every now and then somebody
new comes along and poses a new challenge. 

Most recently, a fellow merchandiser from the The Cowboys of Norco requested 
a set of double bandoleers. Now Mr. Legendary Leather has created bandoleers 
before, so this wasn't something new to him. However, this customer was female
and she wanted them to be black. What made this a conundrum, you ask? Well,
a female fit would require a little different configuration and I think I've 
mentioned before the problems that black dye creates. 

While taking into consideration the overall fit for Miss Lily, Mr. Legendary
Leather was a little unsure since he didn't have Miss Lily available for fittings.
The Missus suggested creating an "adjustable" bandoleer. Since this hadn't 
been in his realm of thinking, it provided Mr. Legendary Leather the means
to create another unique leather item.

By adding a belt-like fitting to the shoulder of each bandoleer, Miss Lily would be
able to make adjustments to fit her costuming. If she chose to wear the bandoleers
over a jacket, she could adjust the strap. 

Mr. Legendary Leather also added a heart concho that he attached to a chicago screw.
This allowed for movement at the bottom of each bandoleer which would allow
it to sit more comfortably on its owner.

Now we really wish we had a picture of Miss Lily wearing her new set of bandoleers,
however because Mr. Legendary Leather made these unique adjustments to his creation,
it allowed him to "test" the set by wearing them in a costume contest at Calico Ghost Town's Calico Days. Oddly enough, Mr. Legendary Leather placed third in his category. 

Thank you very much to Miss Lily for puttin' her trust in Mr. Legendary
Leather's creative skills!

Blog Archive


Kate from New Hampshire says, "I featured your Bowie Knife with Leather Sheath in a Treasury (Etsy) called "When Men Were Men." Fabulous item!

Marbles Blade and Black Floral Carved Sheath Set


Anonymous from Mt. Pleasant says, "These straps are so beautiful! . . . these are truly beautiful . . .
Steph from the UK says, "These are stunners! Your work is beautiful."

Cowboy Carved Leather Spur Straps Set

Cowboy Carved Leather Spur Straps Set (boot and spurs not included)


Cissy from Colorado says, "Very nice work!"

Cowgirl Leather Cuffs Set

A closer look at Cowgirl Leather Cuffs Set


Requirin' the creative , craftin' expertise that Mr. Legendary Leather is admired fer:

Thanks to the 'Michigan Kid' for the Special Request for a left handed replica holster to match an existing holster.

Much thanks to the 'Recruiter' for his Special Request to create a plain sheath for his large scimitar-shaped carving knife.

Special Request Surprise for WesternSpice

Elk Bone Handled Knife and Sheath Set (Donation to SASS "Ambush")

Special Project for WesternSpice. Make a new holster to match an old gun belt (not available for purchase)

Special Request by Mountain Man Bob to replace knife handle and create a matching sheath (SOLD)

Jeff Morgan Knife with Mr. Legendary Leather Sheath Set (Not available for purchase)

Special Request by Frontier Rose for a Replacement Plant/Pot Holder

Special Request by Mr. Hit Factor for a holster to hold a S&W K-frame 22 revolver.

Special Request by Tupelo Flash (SOLD)

Special Request by Sinistral Kid for a Replica Holster (SOLD)

Carved Spur Straps Set (Donation to SASS "Gunfight Behind the Jersey Lilly")

Special Request by the Missus: Carved Sheath for Paring Knife.

WesternSpice Design Adapted by Mr. Legendary Leather (Special Project)

Spur Strap Set Original Design by Mr. Legendary Leather: Mighty Fine "Thanks" to Trabuco Tilly

Special Project: Mighty Fine "Thanks" to Mr. Hot Tamale

Special Request by The Dakota Kid (SOLD)

Another Request by The Dakota Kid for Two Antler Handled Knives with Plain Sheaths. A Mighty Fine "Thanks" to The Dakota Kid!

Customer's Request for a 22 LR Cartridge Belt (SOLD)

A closer view of customer's request for a 22 LR Cartridge Belt (SOLD)

High Plains Carved Spur Straps Set (Donation to SASS "Ambush" - boots and spurs not included)

A different view of High Plains Carved Spur Straps Set (Donation to SASS "Ambush")

The "Wild Game Hunter" Special (Special Project): Mighty Fine "Thanks" to Mr. Wild Game Hunter

Special Request by Mountain Man Bob for sheath encasement to cover old sheath (SOLD)

Special Request by Mountain Man Bob to add belt insertion resulting in a lengthened belt (SOLD)

Request by Mountain Man Bob for a Fur Trade/Buffalo Hunt Reenactment Sheath (SOLD)

Buckskin Leather/Fabric Western Style Vest (Special Request by Mr. Top Brass in Arizona)

Monogrammed Holster for Small Semi-Automatic Pistol (Special Request by Mr. Top Brass in Arizona - pistol not included)

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